Original Inspiration for Original People


Guest Post – A View From the Other Side

16th October 2014

Today we have a guest post from Marie Betty Davis – vintage fashionista, legendary multi-tasker and general all-round nice person. Hello Inspiration collaborated with Marie on the ‘Inspiring the Inspirers’ project, and Marie has shared her feelings about the project in her own no-nonsense style. Contains strong emotions (and strong language!). Over to you, Marie…

“Those of you who know me will be more than aware (thanks mainly to my packed Facebook and Twitter feeds) that I have gotten myself involved in a lot recently.

I share a health & wellness business with my partner Andy, I am an ambassador for a beauty company, I do a bit of social media management for a new hairdressers in Manchester (who are brilliant by the way) and now I am a personal stylist for a fashion boutique. All of this is in addition to my full time job and busy home life with my kids Lucy (aged 9½) Roddy the Wondercat (aged 2) and Andy (aged 41¾)

I cannot yet say that I have reached a point where I can quit my day job, but I can see that opportunity is on the horizon, so I keep trooping on.

The hardest thing for me has been (along with losing touch with a lot of my friends) is that I have encountered a fair bit of negativity from people; from being told that the products I sell are “a load of shit”, to “you are neglecting your daughter”

I will be brutally honest and tell you that this negativity has drained me at times. Although I know that I should let such poisonous comments wash over me, it is really hard to put that method into practice. Only yesterday was I sat in the kitchen in floods of tears (no, I hadn’t been peeling onions) mascara streaming down my face onto Andy’s shoulder and white tee (sorry, luv) wondering why I am putting myself through all this stress and heartache.

Then Andy reminded me why I am, because it is ME and what I LOVE TO DO. He also made the following points (as he always does when I have one of my episodes)

  1. The things I sell aren’t shit. I wouldn’t be wasting my time selling them if they were.
  2. I am not neglecting Lucy, I am building a better life for us, so we can have a holiday next year, and every year thereafter (and nice clothes, days out, a rainy day fund, a nest egg etc…)
  3. The negative people are far outweighed by the positive people, who can see what I am doing and my WHY.
  4. People are in awe of what I do. I receive a lot of messages from people telling me this, commenting that I have a lovely aura and who notice that I am still smiling all the time.
  5. People who say they wish they were like me…!? He tells me that all these people see greatness in me, I just need to start seeing it myself.
  6. If any of the above points were not true, then Hello Inspiration would not have got in touch…

Which brings me (finally) to the topic of my post…

A couple of months back, Chris Keep, owner of new company Hello Inspiration, and fellow resident of Urmston, got in touch with me via my favourite platform, Twitter.

He had set up a new business, which combines motivation with art, and he wanted to use me as a muse for a project he was doing, entitled ‘Inspiring the Inspirers’

Of course as confused as I felt at that point (in my Typical-Marie ‘why me’ kinda way) I accepted his kind request. He had already thought up some ideas of what he wanted to do from reading my earlier blog post (my post about finding acceptance after encountering a rude man in a pub) but being the perfectionist he is, he asked me to complete a series of questions:

  • What three words to describe your outlook on life?
  • Who/what inspires you?
  • What’s the best compliment you’ve ever been given?
  • What would you like to say to your younger self?
  • What job would you do if time, talent, money etc were not factors? Why?
  • Do you have a mantra or set of words you find yourself going over when things are challenging, a piece of advice that you rely on?

After a couple of weeks, he came back to me with a series of pieces of art which he felt encapsulated what I am all about.

All of the pictures contained a quotation or word which highlighted my strengths. We shortlisted the pictures down to two, and Chris decided on this as the final piece (which also happened to be my favourite)

'There Is Greatness Within Me' Design

He went for a subtle but strong message, which hints at the greatness which he sensed in me….’There is greatness within me’


He then delivered to me, a mounted copy of the image, which is now hanging proudly on the wall of my hall (it stands out nicely against my vintage pictures) I was emotional, as you can imagine!!

Marie Betty Davis with 'There is Greatness Within Me' mounted artwork

Chris is a lovely gent with a brilliant concept. We all love to be inspired and motivated day to day, and one of his pictures on your living room wall or on your desktop will keep you feeling that way.”

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