Original Inspiration for Original People


‘Inspiring the Inspirers’ Update

23rd July 2014

Hot air balloon being launched with caption 'Inspiring the Inspirers'

It has been a very busy week on the ‘Inspiring the Inspirers‘ project…

We have a new ‘inspirer’ onboard – the fabulous Marie Betty Davis – and we have been making great progress with our other inspirers.

Most exciting has been the completion of the first set of drafts for abstract artist Ellie Depp. Ellie was one of the first people I approached about this project, having worked with her previously on a pop-up shop in Sheffield. I was interested to work with Ellie because I wanted to get to the bottom of how inspiration plays a part in the life of an artist. Where does her inspiration come from? Does she have to go looking for it, or does it come and find her? Does she ever get stuck for ideas, or fed up with the creative process?

Her story of the redemptive power of art taught me a lot more about inspiration than I had ever expected.

We still have some work to do to finalise her favourite artwork, but the collaboration is going very well so far, and I cannot wait to share the design, and the story behind it.

Until then, check out Ellie’s work here

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