Original Inspiration for Original People


“Say Yes” – Inspirational Advice

29th May 2014

Inspirational image of a 4x4 traversing sand dunes with the quote 'Say Yes'

Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond and author of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, said:

Never say ‘no’ to adventures. Always say ‘yes,’ otherwise you’ll lead a very dull life.

He joins a very exclusive list of people (including my Dad) who have given me this advice. It remains the only piece of advice that I can remember from when I was growing up (apart from ‘close that door!’, which I don’t really think is advice anyway).

The long version is that you should always say ‘yes’ to an opportunity unless you have a staggeringly good reason to say ‘no’. Always be open to new opportunities, new experiences and chances to grow yourself as a human being.

The short version is… “Say Yes”.

I have never regretted any time that I have said yes to a new experience or adventure. I only ever regret the times I said no.


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