Original Inspiration for Original People


7 Tips to Improve Your Mobile Phone Battery Life

22nd August 2014

Here are my top seven tips to improve your mobile phone battery life. As you might expect from Hello Inspiration, this isn’t really a tech-savvy a list of advice that will help your mobile phone battery last longer. Rather, it is some simple advice on how to make better use your phone ‘as part of a healthy lifestyle’.

Happy Phone. Happy Life.

Having faced both battery life issues and serious data consumption issues recently, I have been forced to abandon Facebook, Twitter and all other ‘distractions’ that I used to mindlessly check on an all-too-regular basis.

Bored? Check email.

Waiting for the kettle to boil? Check Facebook.

Walking up a flight of stairs?! Check Twitter.

By 6pm, my battery was almost dead, and my data allowance was used up half way through the month. Something had to change, so I decided to completely eliminate all mindless mobile phone activity if not on wifi. No more Facebook. No more Twitter. No more email. No more linkedIn. No more Etsy. Nothing.

You know what happened? My data use slowed to a crawl, as did my battery drain. So I offer you this simple advice improve your mobile phone battery life, save your data allowance, and get some of your life back.

Stop obsessively using Facebook, Twitter etc on your phone all day.

Instead, try one of these activities to keep you occupied:

Alternative Activities Which Don’t use mobile phone battery life:

  1. go for a walk
  2. visit a friend
  3. bake some cookies (here is a nice recipe)
  4. do some gardening
  5. read a book (here are some books I like)
  6. write a letter to a distant relative
  7. visit a local attraction that you have never been to before

Any one of these activities should completely remove the need to keep incessantly checking your mobile world. And hey presto, improved mobile phone battery life AND reduced data use.

A happier phone AND a happier life. Win Win.

Go on… try it. Your mobile phone will thank you…

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