12th June 2014
“Curiosity killed the cat (you’re a human, so you’re probably safe).”
Curiosity may have killed the cat (I can’t confirm or deny), but I find it interesting that so many people use the experience of that solitary feline to limit their behaviour.
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11th June 2014
“Don’t Let a Silly Little Thing Like Reality Get In The Way”
Reality seems like one of those great unchanging things that is meant to ground us and keep us where we are forever, trudging along in the status quo.
“Get real”, they say. “Be realistic” they say. “Come back to reality” they say. Like reality is this unrelenting millstone around our neck.
But who decides what is real? Who defines reality, and who says it cannot change?
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9th June 2014
It may seem like the battle you’re facing is you against the world. That impossible hurdle that needs to be jumped has been placed there by someone or something else. If only that barrier wasn’t there, then I would be able to do X.
More often than not, the battle is really with yourself.
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